I am very happy and proud to introduce you my latest release : “Lian Chu Goes To The Market”. As usual it is a work of love and passion for micro-magic props and for story telling. It was something I had in mind since a long time, I have at least find the time to realize it. I have taken the old principle of this children’s toy from the 30’s“The man in the barrel” . This toy had already been used by many magicians such as Fred Kaps, Eddy Tayelbaum, Toni Lackner, ken Brooke, Herbert Martin Paufler…. I think that this effect should entertain in a very funny and unexpected way your audience. Of course you’ll be able to use it in the “classic way” with your favorites deck of cards routines. This will be a limited edition of 24 sets, and no more.As usual, all the props are hand made, and hand decorated. each set is numbered and signed, and comes with its instructions fully detailed and illustrated, and a nice story I have written for this trick. The carrying case is made of thick oak plywood and boxwood inlays. The Little china man, the barrel and the pagoda are made in painted wood. The colors are suitable to change on the barrel, the pagoda, and the little man to fit your own tastes. If it is in my abilities, I’ll do it with pleasure.
Lian Chu Goes To The Market.
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